John Crawford - Anxiety Solutions Therapist & Author
Anxiety Audio Books -
Anxiety Relief is now available in Audio Book Format
Anxiety Relief Audio Books
If you're looking for an audiobook to help you with your anxiety then you have come to the right place. Anxiety Relief has been a UK Amazon bestseller since September 2017 and goes from strength to strength with fantastic reader reviews. I am of course honoured to have received such praise from readers (and grateful!) but more importantly, my heart swells with joy to know that so many people have found it so useful.
Ultimately this book was never about me. It is about you. It was always my intention to share my understanding and hard-earned knowledge from both my personal and professional life in a way which would be able to reach the person in the street at a level which I hoped would go beyond the average self-help book. This audio version now completes that offering.
Anxiety Relief is a big book. I designed it this way deliberately because I was considering closing my one-to-one therapeutic practice and I felt that it was very important to ensure that the most important aspects of my knowledge lived on even if I changed my career. In addition to this, I recognised that I could share important perspectives with a much wider audience in the format of a book, and indeed this appears to have succeeded beyond my expectations.
Many people in the UK commented that the book was easy to read and I certainly had this in mind when I was writing it. I avoided psychological terminology wherever possible and went to great lengths in the editing process to ensure that the book spoke in plain English which everybody could understand.
When an anxious mind is filled with the distraction of fear and worry however, reading and absorbing a long book is a big ask. There's nothing I could do about this really because the book was always intended to be a thorough offering on the anxiety subject, and the best I could hope for was that people would perhaps be able to read a little at a time and absorb it at a comfortable rate. An audio version of the book solves this problem.
During the last two years, I have had a number of people request for the book to be made available in an audio format. Much as this might sound as if it's as simple as just sitting down and reading the book into a microphone, the reality is far from it! One of the requirements for an audiobook is that all breaths are removed from the recording and the editing process is therefore incredibly time-consuming. Other obstacles included dry mouth, tired tongue, and fuzzy brain! Fluent pronunciation for more than an hour at a time is impossible for mere mortals. I'm not complaining...just letting you know why it took a while to get around to it! I knew it would be a job...and it was.
I began recording the book about a year ago and ended up putting it to one side for a while because the work which was involved to produce a 15-hour audiobook was more than I had to spare whilst I was extremely busy with marketing my existing work. I got as far as finishing chapter 2 before putting it to one side. Ultimately all of that work was eventually scrapped in favour of a completely new recording when I realised that I needed a bit of practice with the delivery first! Call it practice!
As more and more people asked for an audio version of the book however I recognised that there was a much more pressing reason to deliver it. Not everybody likes reading books, and some people are simply too busy. Many people however still want to have access to the information. So I prioritised my time and got to work. It's taken over 8 weeks of full-time work to create this 15-hour audiobook. I'm very proud of the results and pleased to be able to present to you a finished version which reflects accurately the content of the book.
There are a few additional advantages to having an audio version of the book. The first of these is that you can listen anywhere and any time that you wish. Many people like to listen to audiobooks during their commute to or from work. Others might listen to audiobooks during their exercise sessions or whilst doing the housework. In a busy world, this makes audiobooks ideal as a format for absorbing content whilst making good use of your valuable time otherwise. If you're not a reading fan it's probably much more enjoyable too.
Whilst it is nice to listen to audiobooks for entertainment purposes, when you have a difficulty like anxiety it's almost essential that you have your information supplied in a format which you are able to easily digest. I hope that providing this audiobook will now make that possible in a way that it wasn't before.
You will notice that the audiobook is narrated by the author, myself, John Crawford. This is a fairly common practice with non-fiction books. I can assure you that if I had written a fictional series then I would certainly have employed a professional narrator because effectively those people do a job which is akin to acting, delivering poise and storytelling expertise. When it comes to "non-fiction how-to" books however readers very often enjoy hearing the voice of the author, providing that it is a pleasant voice to listen to.
When an author of non-fiction is providing information, they have a voice in their head which may not necessarily transfer accurately when written on the page. We all know the perils of email right? With an audiobook, you get to hear the original intention of the author as they stress certain words and sentences to be delivered in the way they were intended. In my case, this book is delivered at an unhurried pace. This was deliberate. I wanted to give the listener time to reflect while listening. The audible player does have a "speed up" function if you prefer a quicker listen, and it doesn't make the narrator sound like he's inhaled helium!
When recording this audio version of Anxiety Relief I found this to be both a pleasure and also somewhat tricky in places. As a professional therapist with 15 years experience, it has always been my job to explain things very clearly to people, often with great emphasis on particular points. I've certainly always stopped well short of doing any finger wagging at people and indeed you will find within the content of my books that I go to great lengths to ensure that nobody is ever made to feel like they are to blame for their difficulties. With this said it has also been my job to make sure that certain points are driven home with a degree of authority. What made this tricky in delivering the narration to the book was the balance of maintaining a sense of authoritative delivery without coming across as being overbearing in any way. Hopefully, I got the balance just about right. One thing you will definitely notice though is that I'm fairly passionate about the subject!
Anxiety relief has been released through the audible program which is a subsidiary of Amazon. Amazon links both the audiobook and the paperback/eBook versions all in one place and you can find that by going to this link:-
UK - https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B01EAZN8HM
USA - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01EAZN8HM
If you have never bought an audiobook before then the first thing you should know is that you will not require any specialist equipment. A computer, smartphone, or tablet is all you need. Since you're reading this webpage we must assume that you already have access to this kind of equipment. Secondly, there are a number of ways to purchase this book. The first of these is that you can purchase it as an a la carte item which means that you can just simply buy the book without any subscription fees and no further involvement. This is the most expensive option. The price of the book is not set by myself. Amazon audible decide the price of audiobooks based on their length.
There is a second way to purchase the book however which is through an audible subscription service. With the audible subscription service, you pay a monthly fee which allows you to have one token per month for any book you choose from the Amazon Audible library. The advantage to using a subscription service is that this is likely to be a cheaper option since many of the titles are more expensive than the subscription fee.
One particular feature of the audible book library purchasing system is that audible does allow you to return books and exchange them if you are not happy with your purchase. Ultimately it is the author that picks up the cost of this so please don't abuse the system but I am in favour of this. It means that you can buy your audiobooks with the full reassurance that you can return them if they're not up to scratch!
You can enjoy your first month's subscription as a trial with audible completely free of charge and your first book is completely free!
You must cancel your free trial before thirty days is up to avoid charges if you don't wish to continue as a subscriber, but you keep the audiobook! You'll find a five-minute sample of the recording at the page too.
Full disclosure here: If you use my button (below) to sign up and make Anxiety Relief the first book you listen to, then Audible reward me with a nice little bonus payment if you remain subscribed for 61 days. If you want to support a hard-working author AND get the audiobook free of charge or even check out the audible service then please use the button below! Thank you!
In addition, audible also makes the audiobook available through Apple iTunes/books so if that's your preference you'll be able to find the audio version of the book here:-
I am tied into an exclusivity deal with Amazon Audible on the audiobook however so Audible and itunes are the only place that you can purchase those formats.
I only hope that you may choose anxiety relief as your first choice for an anxiety-busting audiobook and I hope that it fulfils all of your hopes! It should go without saying that if you are suffering with anxiety that I wrote this book with you in mind and I sincerely wish with all of my heart that it will help you towards finding true peace in your life once again! You'll almost certainly learn some things that you didn't know even if you have read many self-help books before. I really went the extra mile to make sure that you got everything you could need to make things better for yourself!
Happy listening!